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Grenache loses a discussion with me on


Before I get started let me just say that I might not mean any of the things I write. The point in writing all the things I write is to show how easy it is to win in a disucssion with people.

This has been the easiest win so far.

“THIS GUY IS A BEAST WHO STARTED OFF RECENTLY AND ALMOST GOING VIRAL. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT HIM IN A DISCUSSION? PEOPLE HAVE SUPPOSEDLY THOUGHT SO AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS LOST. He will accept any challenge and DESTROY ANYONE WHO THINKS CAN BEAT HIM IN A DISCUSSION. Let your friends on Facebook or ANYONE you know know about it and challenge him. You will be beaten! Do you think you can handle him? email if u wanna challenge: or comment below at the page”

He responds:

„I didn't click any links to check the guy out. So I'm writing this as a general response.

I'm not afraid to challenge anyone. But I would do it through an accepted neutral forum, like on this site, instead of on his own site or facebook page.

And I only do it if I have knowledge of the topic (I'm not going to challenge an auto mechanic on auto repair when that's not my thing), as well as the time to see it through (which is hard when work and family constantly distract me).

Invariably people who claim they can beat everyone are bragging because they're going to declare themselves the winner no matter how it goes. In the absence of objective judging their bravado persists indefinitely even though they already have lost many times. In all the years I competed directly in academic debate I never once saw a debater boldly in person proclaim they could beat everyone. Even if they just won the last three tournaments in a row they wouldn't do that. The people who do, on the web, are the people who think debate is just a show, like the WWF.


And after writing that I clicked his website link and it won't load on my computer. At this point I'm unimpressed. And no, I'm not going to e-mail him directly. I don't think he's the type of guy I want to know any of my e-mail addresses.“

The guy made silly points. It was easy. Anyone else thinks he can beat me?

Nobody cares if you clicked the link to check the guy out.

Of course you are afraid. And you basically say it by claiming „I only do it if I have knowldge of the topic.“ You can choose any topic you want. And I will give you a chance like I will give to anyone who thinks he can beat me. You will lose. Don’t worry. You have already lost so you can dedicate your time on family. Stop putting objectivity out there. Ask anyone on social media WHO HAS WON! I assume a lot of them are gonna say nobody. Let me challenge any PERSON and make him look stupid!

Grenache probably still thinks he’s smart. That was easy and I’m sure (MARK MY WORDS) HE’S GONNA COPY ME. I’M JUST GONNA IGNORE HIM AT THIS TOPIC BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT IS GONNA COME.

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