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Removable mind loses a discussion with me on "Is racist thought a crime"


Before I get started let me just say that I might not mean any of the things I write. The point in writing all the things I write is to show how easy it is to win in a disucssion with people.

Removable mind says:

"Thought" isn't a crime, no matter how hateful, vile, or insane - unless a thought is manifested into a physical behavior that violates the law.

I say:

„It doesn't matter if it is a crime or not. It still is made of the things that make a crime negative. You have lost in a discussion with me real fast. You are about to go on my page I'll send you later. Anyone else thinks can beat me?

This is where I point out the fact that the reason why it even matters whether or not crime is significant is because it is made of certain characteristics that make it negative. So regardless of the definition of this word it is still negative and that’s what we are basically mainly discussing. From there I had him.

That was easy.

Removable mind says:

„Thought is not a crime. What am I thinking now about your post right now? Beat you at what? Out thinking you? Oh, and while you're thinking, reread my previous post to you.“

What am I thinking now about your post? I don’t understand why this guy thinks I care about chat he thinks hen it comes to this. I have my reasons. Idk his and I don’t care. He clearly feels extremely important. Guess chat? You are not.

Removable mind probably still thinks he’s smart. That was easy and I’m sure (MARK MY WORDS) HE’S GONNA COPY ME. I’M JUST GONNA IGNORE HIM AT THIS TOPIC BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT IS GONNA COME.

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